Our summer program allows students to complete full credit courses in six weeks. Before registering for a summer course, we ask that students and parents take personal schedules into consideration. On average, students will be required to work 4-6 hours per day in order to complete their course. If a student is going on vacation, attending a camp, etc. they are still required to keep up with their course work and participate in the course. Extensions will not be given.
Open Registration
Our main summer registration will be open March - May. The exact dates vary each year. View the summer session schedule.
- VPW tuition will be $375/course.
- There will be an additional $50 fee for students who are taking HPE 2 for the Driver Ed part of the course.
Withdraw and Refund Policy
Students who withdraw before or on the first date of the summer term will receive a full refund. A refund will not be granted for any withdraw request after the first date of the summer term.
Our summer term registration uses the Rycor system. You will need to create or access your Student QuickPay account. Below is the website, directions on how to register, and directions on how to set up a Rycor account.