What Virtual Prince William Students Are Saying
Kevin, HPE 1
"I took HPE 1 online between 8th and 9th grade during the summer, and I actually took the whole course from Florida and I flew back home, here to take the midterm and final!
"I had a lot of fun with the whole online course that forced me out of the condo in Florida and made me go to the gym or do all sorts of activities that kept me active for my hours. I also think that the HPE website is very easy to use and is simple to navigate through! The teacher is pleasant and answers questions or clarifies things that may be hard to understand.
"Overall I think that these online courses are a great help! I am also thinking about taking US/VA history online this summer depending on plans that come up about summer vacation."
Tenequa, Algebra I
"My favorite part of this course was checking my answers and the 'Please Explain' section. It was really helpful when I didn't understand a problem. It can get really confusing when you don't have a teacher guiding you, but these went through each problem step by step."
Amber, English 10
"I think this course is a good learning program. I have learned more from this summer school program than being in a classroom with others for 10 months."
Sean, Algebra I
"This program is really helping me learn, better than being in school. They give you the information, you practice the material, and when you think you have it, you take the quiz. Fast, simple, and effective. I like that."
Kyle, English 10
"I think this course is great. In my English class during the school year I received a 50%. With this course, I have an average right now of 103. I think it just goes to show that people learn differently."
Jennifer, English 12 (Third VPW Course Taken)
"What I like most about the (VPW) is that it has never been a waste of my time. I never get cut off before I have finished something, and I never have to sit around and wait for a bell long after I have been done with an assignment. I do my work when I want to, and I keep in constant touch with my teacher. I find her emails no less informative than a face to face explanation, and our AIM conversations are no different than sitting in a class asking questions, except this way I don't have to raise my hand and wait to be called on. The freedom of the classes is their appeal. If I could have been a full time (VPW) student, I would have. These classes don't waste a single moment of my time, they don't waste the instructor's time, they are convenient and easy to use."